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Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices Regarding Electrical Burns.

Burn prevention programs can effectively reduce morbidity and mortality rates. In this paper, we present the findings of our investigation of the knowledge, attitudes, and practices of the Saudi Arabian population regarding electrical burns. Our study was a cross-sectional online survey that utilized a five-part questionnaire to assess the participant's demographic information, knowledge of electrical burns, attitudes toward electrical injuries, and practices related to electrical burns and their prevention. Overall, 2314 individuals responded to the survey (males: 41.2 %; females: 58.8 %). A total of 839 participants (36 %) had a personal or family history of electrical burns. Approximately ≥90 % of the responses to questions on electrical burn-related knowledge were correct; relatively less responses to questions on the extent of tissue damage from electrical burns and arcs were correct (74 % and 29 %, respectively). Only 54% of the respondents knew that applying first aid to the burn-affected areas at home could lead to a better outcome; 27 % and 19 % did not know the correct answer and thought that this would not lead to a better outcome, respectively. The most common source of information was school or college (38.9 %), followed by social media (20.8 %) and internet websites (16.3 %). Enhancing community awareness and practices related to electrical burns is a cost-effective and straightforward strategy to prevent the morbidity and mortality associated with electrical injuries.

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