Case Reports
Journal Article
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Neuromuscular Ultrasound Findings of Myokymia in a Young Woman With Generalized Anti-LGI-1 and Anti-Caspr2 Antibodies Negative Isaac Syndrome.

Isaac syndrome is one of the rare peripheral nerve hyperexcitability (PNH) syndromes, which manifests with gross fasciculations, muscle undulation, twitching, and cramps, with or without autonomic and sensory symptoms. The diagnosis relies on characteristic electromyogram findings and the presence of anti-leucine-rich glial inactivated 1 and anti-contactin-associated protein 2 antibodies in the serum. Here, we report the case of a 21-year-old woman, who presented with extremities and tongue myokymia whose electromyogram findings were compatible with PNH, albeit seronegative for antibodies. Neuromuscular ultrasound was performed showing high-frequency rotatory, to-and-fro, high-amplitude movement of superficial and deep muscle fascicles, more prominent in the proximal than distal muscles. Neuromuscular ultrasound may be a useful adjunct in the diagnosis of PNH.

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