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Genetic analyses in multiplex families confirms chromosome 5q35 as a risk locus for Alzheimer's Disease in individuals of African Ancestry.
Neurobiology of Aging 2023 October 31
There is a paucity of genetic studies of Alzheimer Disease (AD) in individuals of African Ancestry, despite evidence suggesting increased risk of AD in the African American (AA) population. We performed whole-genome sequencing (WGS) and multipoint linkage analyses in 51 multi-generational AA AD families ascertained through the Research in African American Alzheimer Disease Initiative (REAAADI) and the National Institute on Aging Late Onset Alzheimer's disease (NIA-LOAD) Family Based Study. Variants were prioritized on minor allele frequency (<0.01), functional potential of coding and noncoding variants, co-segregation with AD and presence in multi-ancestry ADSP release 3 WGS data. We identified a significant linkage signal on chromosome 5q35 (HLOD=3.3) driven by nine families. Haplotype segregation analysis in the family with highest LOD score identified a 3'UTR variant in INSYN2B with the most functional evidence. Four other linked AA families harbor within-family shared variants located in INSYN2B's promoter or enhancer regions. This AA family-based finding shows the importance of diversifying population-level genetic data to better understand the genetic determinants of AD on a global scale.
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