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Nutrikinetics and urinary excretion of phenolic compounds after a 16-week supplementation with a flavanone-rich ingredient.

Food & Function 2023 November 9
Background : Polyphenols are a broad group of compounds with a complex metabolic fate. Flavanones and their metabolites provide cardiovascular protection and assistance in long-term body composition management. Objective : This study evaluates the nutrikinetics and the bioavailability of phenolic compounds after both acute and chronic supplementation with a flavanone-rich product, namely Sinetrol® Xpur, in healthy overweight and obese volunteers. Design : An open-label study including 20 volunteers was conducted for 16 weeks. Participants received Sinetrol® Xpur, either a low dose (900 mg per day) or a high dose (1800 mg per day), in capsules during breakfast and lunch. They were advised to follow an individualized isocaloric diet and avoid a list of polyphenol-rich foods 48 hours before and during the pharmacokinetic measurements. Results : Over 20 phase II and colonic metabolites were measured in the plasma. Two peaks were observed at 1 h and 7h-10 h after the first capsule ingestion. No significant differences in the AUC were observed in circulating metabolites between both doses. In urine excretion, 53 metabolites were monitored, including human phase II and colonic metabolites, at weeks 1 and 16. Cumulative urine excretion was higher after the high dose than after the low dose in both acute and chronic studies. Total urinary metabolites were significantly lower in week 16 compared to week 1. Conclusion : Although the urinary excreted metabolites reduced significantly over 16 weeks, the circulating metabolites did not decrease significantly. This study suggests that chronic intake might not offer the same bioavailability as in the acute study, and this effect does not seem to be dose-dependent. The clinical trial registry number is NCT03823196.

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