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Overcoming challenges in managing a high-risk pregnancy with placenta previa and newly diagnosed Bombay phenotype.
Transfusion and Apheresis Science 2023 October 11
BACKGROUND: Bombay phenotype is rare and characterized by a lack of H antigen on the surface of red blood cells (RBCs) with naturally occurring anti-H antibodies. The presence of anti-H necessitates the exclusive use of Bombay phenotype RBCs for transfusion. We present a case of a pregnant woman with Bombay phenotype who required urgent cesarean section delivery due to high-risk placenta previa.
CASE DESCRIPTION: A 36-year-old G1P0 woman of Indian origin presented at 36 weeks and 4 days gestation for management of a high-risk pregnancy with complete placenta previa. Bombay phenotype was unexpectedly identified on routine testing. Given the rarity of the blood, advanced gestation, and risk of post-partum hemorrhage associated with complete placenta previa and spontaneous labor, prompt strategic planning commenced for a successful delivery. Two frozen allogeneic Bombay phenotype RBCs were available as part of a concise transfusion plan. Intraoperative cell salvage was successfully employed and allogeneic transfusion was not required.
CONCLUSION: Management of patients with rare blood types can be extremely challenging and guidance for those presenting later in pregnancy is scarce. Our patient's gestational age precluded the use of well-known effective strategies, including hemoglobin optimization, autologous and directed donation, and procurement of large quantities of rare blood. Rather, our approach utilized multidisciplinary expertise and strategic planning to yield a successful outcome.
CASE DESCRIPTION: A 36-year-old G1P0 woman of Indian origin presented at 36 weeks and 4 days gestation for management of a high-risk pregnancy with complete placenta previa. Bombay phenotype was unexpectedly identified on routine testing. Given the rarity of the blood, advanced gestation, and risk of post-partum hemorrhage associated with complete placenta previa and spontaneous labor, prompt strategic planning commenced for a successful delivery. Two frozen allogeneic Bombay phenotype RBCs were available as part of a concise transfusion plan. Intraoperative cell salvage was successfully employed and allogeneic transfusion was not required.
CONCLUSION: Management of patients with rare blood types can be extremely challenging and guidance for those presenting later in pregnancy is scarce. Our patient's gestational age precluded the use of well-known effective strategies, including hemoglobin optimization, autologous and directed donation, and procurement of large quantities of rare blood. Rather, our approach utilized multidisciplinary expertise and strategic planning to yield a successful outcome.
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