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Journal Article
The impact of interprofessional incivility on medical performance, service and patient care: a systematic review.
Future Healthcare Journal 2023 March
The stressful nature of the medical profession is a known trigger for aggression or abuse among healthcare staff. Interprofessional incivility, defined as low-intensity negative interactions with ambiguous or unclear intent to harm, has recently become an occupational concern in healthcare. While incivility in nursing has been widely investigated, its prevalence among physicians and its impact on patient care are poorly understood. This review summarises current understanding of the effects of interprofessional incivility on medical performance, service and patient care. A structured search and screening of literature returned 13 studies of diverse origin, methodology, quality, size and population type. The consensus is that interprofessional incivility is common among physicians and nurses and has both psychological and clinical outcomes, resulting in stress, compromised patient safety and poor quality of care. Junior staff are affected more often than consultants, with higher rates in radiology, general surgery, neurosurgery and cardiology. Incivility also undermines medical team performance, particularly in perioperative settings. In patient care, incivility is associated with complications, medical errors, mortality, and compromised patient safety and quality of care. Patients whose surgeons have a record of incivility can be at higher risk of complications. The impact of incivility on medical performance, service and patient care appears systemic and must be addressed accordingly. This analysis was limited by the methodological weaknesses of the included studies, which highlights the need for more high-quality empirical research. This would benefit the NHS and other stakeholders when designing targeted interventions. In particular, establishing quantitative methods for identifying and measuring incivility will be crucial for improving our understanding of the phenomenon.
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