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Coffee Consumption Behavior in Young Adults: Exploring Motivations, Frequencies, and Reporting Adverse Effects and Withdrawal Symptoms.

BACKGROUND: Coffee consumption by young people has increased dramatically over the last decades as there are substantial evidence of the physiological, cognitive, and emotional effects of coffee consumption. To reduce the risk of consuming related harm, it is necessary to understand the consumer's motivation for its use.

OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to investigate coffee consumption behavior in young adults, assess the type of coffee consumption, explore motivation, document adverse effects and withdrawal symptoms of coffee intake.

METHODS: A sample of 923 young adults were recruited voluntarily to complete a set of measures examining motivations, adverse effects, and withdrawal symptoms of coffee intake. Logistic regression analysis was performed to determine the association between coffee consumption and all independent variables. A p -value of 0.005 was considered as statistically significant.

RESULTS: The results indicate that more than half of the participants consumed coffee. Coffee consumers were more like to be male, young adults, unmarried, poor sleep pattern (3-5 hours), and smokers. Main motivations of coffee intake were those related to reinforcing effects. The prevalence of dripper coffee consumption (85.59%) was observed to be highest with 20.1% participants consuming coffee in 2-3 times per day. Participants experienced restlessness, shaky, excited, difficulty in falling sleep, and fast heart beat as adverse effects of coffee consumption. Withdrawal symptoms such as headache, mood change, and tiredness were also noticed after consuming a high amount of coffee. Gender ( p < 0.005), age ( p < 0.003), family income ( p < 0.004), BMI ( p < 0.002) and sleeping pattern ( p < 0.005) were found important variables associated with coffee intake.

CONCLUSION: The association reported in this study may allow for the implementation of appropriate strategies to address behaviors towards excessive coffee consumption and its link to an increased risk of poor health.

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