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Efficacy of telepractice, an alternative therapy tool during the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic, for speech disorders related to congenital anomalies.

Congenital Anomalies 2023 September 25
Since telepractice regulation does not yet exist in Japan, we assessed telepractice efficacy and the level of satisfaction with telepractice versus that with face-to-face practice (FTFP) in speech therapy to establish effective telepractice in Japan. Changes in the number of therapy sessions and therapy levels were compared between telepractice and FTFP sessions conducted during the study period. Additionally, the patients' parents completed a questionnaire survey regarding telepractice. The mean number of sessions was not significantly different between the two types of therapy; the therapy levels, according to stepwise speech therapy, either increased or remained unchanged. The survey showed satisfaction with telepractice among all parents. Telepractice for cleft palate speech was delivered successfully with complete parental satisfaction.

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