Journal Article
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The cell-cycle choreography of H3 variants shapes the genome.

Molecular Cell 2023 September 14
Histone variants provide versatility in the basic unit of chromatin, helping to define dynamic landscapes and cell fates. Maintaining genome integrity is paramount for the cell, and it is intimately linked with chromatin dynamics, assembly, and disassembly during DNA transactions such as replication, repair, recombination, and transcription. In this review, we focus on the family of H3 variants and their dynamics in space and time during the cell cycle. We review the distinct H3 variants' specific features along with their escort partners, the histone chaperones, compiled across different species to discuss their distinct importance considering evolution. We place H3 dynamics at different times during the cell cycle with the possible consequences for genome stability. Finally, we examine how their mutation and alteration impact disease. The emerging picture stresses key parameters in H3 dynamics to reflect on how when they are perturbed, they become a source of stress for genome integrity.

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