Journal Article
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The Ambiguity of Names and Landmarks in Radiographs of the Pediatric Pelvis: Variations and a Historical Perspective.

For over a century, the plain radiograph has been used to measure and predict the development of pediatric hip conditions. Classic measurements, such as the acetabular index, the center-edge angle, and the migration percentage, have stood the test of time and remain the default tools for any pediatric orthopaedic surgeons. However, in contemporary research, the terminology regarding these measurements has become markedly inconsistent. A substantial number of synonyms, acronyms, and similar, but not identical, terms are used to label measurements. This is perhaps unsurprising, considering decades of use and numerous suggested modifications. The results of treatment cannot be reliably compared if the measured parameters are not identical, and scientific analysis of disease requires consistent terminology. In this review, we aim both to provide historical definitions and identification of radiographic landmarks commonly used in three parameters of interest on pediatric AP radiographs and to examine the variability of landmarks and definitions in contemporary research.

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