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Ten-year work burden after prostate cancer treatment.

Cancer Medicine 2023 September 19
INTRODUCTION: We aim to characterize the magnitude of the work burden (weeks off from work) associated with prostate cancer (PCa) treatment over a 10-year period after PCa diagnosis and identify those at greatest risk.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: We identified men diagnosed with PCa treated with radical prostatectomy, radiation therapy, or active surveillance/watchful waiting within CaPSURE. Patients self-reported work burden and SF36 general health scores via surveys before and 1,3,5, and 10 years after treatment. Using multivariate repeated measures generalized estimating equation modeling we examined the association between primary treatment with risk of any work weeks lost due to care.

RESULTS: In total, 6693 men were included. The majority were White (81%, 5% Black, and 14% Other) with CAPRA low- (60%) or intermediate-risk (32%) disease and underwent surgery (62%) compared to 29% radiation and 9% active surveillance. Compared to other treatments, surgical patients were more likely to report greater than 7 days off work in the first year, with relatively less time off over time. Black men (RR 0.64, 95% CI 0.54-0.77) and those undergoing radiation (vs. surgery, RR 0.46, 95% CI 0.41-0.51) were less likely to report time off from work over time. Mean baseline GH score (73 [SD 18]) was similar between race and treatment groups, and stable over time.

CONCLUSIONS: The work burden of cancer care continued up to 10 years after treatment and varied across racial groups and primary treatment groups, highlighting the multifactorial nature of this issue and the call to leverage greater resources for those at greatest risk.

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