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Therapeutic effects of biological treatments on AA amyloidosis associated with inflammatory bowel disease: a case report and literature review.
European Journal of Gastroenterology & Hepatology 2023 September 18
AA amyloidosis is a rare and significant complication of long-term inflammation that can be caused by a variety of disorders, including inflammatory bowel disease, and is linked to an increased risk of morbidity and mortality. To date, there has been no effective direct treatment, and treatment aims at treating the underlying condition with potent immunosuppression to limit inflammatory activity and, as a result, switch off amyloidogenesis. Theoretically, biological treatment can control AA amyloidosis by inducing and maintaining inflammatory bowel disease remission and inhibiting the synthesis of Serum Amyloid A, which is an acute phase reactant and precursor protein of AA amyloidosis that accumulates in the organs. We report the first case of ustekinumab's therapeutic effect after infliximab's loss of response in AA amyloidosis associated with Crohn's disease. We also conducted a literature review of the therapeutic effect of biological treatment on AA amyloidosis.
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