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JAK inhibitors for the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease: results of an international survey of perceptions, attitudes, and clinical practice.
European Journal of Gastroenterology & Hepatology 2023 September 18
BACKGROUND: Janus kinase inhibitors (JAKi) are small molecule drugs with demonstrated efficacy in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). However, widespread utilisation may be hindered by safety concerns.
AIMS: This is the first study assessing risk-benefit perceptions and clinical practices of those using JAKi for IBD.
METHODS: A prospective, cross-sectional study was conducted using a 23-item survey distributed to IBD healthcare providers worldwide.
RESULTS: Of 385 respondents from 48 countries, 72% were tertiary-centre based and 50% were gastroenterologists with ≥10 years experience. JAKi were commonly used outside market authorisation (31%), though many (17%) were unconfident discussing JAKi risk-benefit profile and 7% had never prescribed JAKi. If venous thromboembolism risks were present, 15% preferentially referred for surgery than initiate JAKi; 21% would do this even if the patient was already anticoagulated. For patients relapsing on dose reduction, 8% would switch treatment rather than dose escalate. Conversely, 45% felt that cardiovascular safety concerns from post-marketing studies were irrelevant to IBD. Despite the lack of detailed, long-term safety data, safety profiles of JAK1-selective drugs were perceived to be favourable to tofacitinib by most (62%).
CONCLUSION: The study indicates that while clinical practice appears to be in keeping with international guidance, a significant minority remain deterred by safety concerns.
AIMS: This is the first study assessing risk-benefit perceptions and clinical practices of those using JAKi for IBD.
METHODS: A prospective, cross-sectional study was conducted using a 23-item survey distributed to IBD healthcare providers worldwide.
RESULTS: Of 385 respondents from 48 countries, 72% were tertiary-centre based and 50% were gastroenterologists with ≥10 years experience. JAKi were commonly used outside market authorisation (31%), though many (17%) were unconfident discussing JAKi risk-benefit profile and 7% had never prescribed JAKi. If venous thromboembolism risks were present, 15% preferentially referred for surgery than initiate JAKi; 21% would do this even if the patient was already anticoagulated. For patients relapsing on dose reduction, 8% would switch treatment rather than dose escalate. Conversely, 45% felt that cardiovascular safety concerns from post-marketing studies were irrelevant to IBD. Despite the lack of detailed, long-term safety data, safety profiles of JAK1-selective drugs were perceived to be favourable to tofacitinib by most (62%).
CONCLUSION: The study indicates that while clinical practice appears to be in keeping with international guidance, a significant minority remain deterred by safety concerns.
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