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In silico Strategy: A Promising Implement in the Development of Multitarget Drugs against Neurodegenerative Diseases.

Multi-target drug development (MTDD) is the demand of the recent era, especially in the case of multi-factorial conditions such as cancer, depression, neurodegenerative diseases (NDs), etc. The MTDD approaches have many advantages; avoidance of drug-drug interactions, predictable pharmacokinetic profile, and less drug resistance. The wet lab practice in MTDD is very challenging for the researchers, and the chances of late-stage failure are obvious. Identification of an appropriate target (Target fishing) is another challenging task in the development of multi-target drugs. The in silico tools will be one of the promising tools in the MTDD for the NDs. Therefore the outlook of the review comprises a short description of NDs, target associated with different NDs, in silico studies so far done for MTDD for various NDs. The main thrust of this review is to explore the present and future aspects of in silico tools used in MTDD for different NDs in combating the challenge of drug development and the application of various in silico tools to solve the problem of target fishing.

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