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Depression and anxiety in cancer patient enrolled in clinical trials with serious adverse events.

Cancer Medicine 2023 September 18
OBJECTIVE: Drug-induced side effects, particularly serious adverse events (SAEs), often affect cancer patients enrolled in clinical trials. However, little is known about anxiety and depression in cancer patients who experienced SAEs. This study evaluated the prevalence of anxiety and depression in cancer patients enrolled in clinical trials who experienced SAEs and explored the risk factors.

METHODS: A multi-center, cross-sectional survey was conducted in hospitals affiliated with the University of Science and Technology of China from December 2021 to November 2022. A total of 112 cancer patients who experienced SAEs while enrolled in clinical trials, and who completed the informed consent process and study questionnaires, were included in the final analysis.

RESULTS: The rate of moderate-severe depression in cancer patients was 38.4% and that of moderate-severe anxiety was 13.4%. Among the patients who had moderate-severe anxiety, 93.3% had concurrent moderate-severe depression. Lower cognitive function and lower global quality of life were risk factors for depression in cancer patients who experienced SAEs. Pain, low emotional function, low global quality of life, and a high Impact of Events Scale score were risk factors for anxiety.

CONCLUSIONS: Cancer patients enrolled in a clinical trial who experienced SAEs tended to be anxious and depressed, particularly the latter. These results indicate the need to evaluate anxiety and depression, and mental health treatment among cancer patients with SAEs in clinical trials.

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