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Correction to Wurm and Schäfer (2022).
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 2023 October
Reports an error in "Gain- but not loss-related self-perceptions of aging predict mortality over a period of 23 years: A multidimensional approach" by Susanne Wurm and Sarah K. Schäfer ( Journal of Personality and Social Psychology , 2022[Sep], Vol 123[3], 636-653). The last sentence of the second paragraph of the Prediction of Mortality Based on Single Gain- or Loss-Related SPA Dimensions section now appears as Figure 3 shows a Kaplan-Meier curve as schematic illustration of the relationship between gain-related SPA (ongoing development) and mortality over 23 years. The title of Figure 3 now appears as Illustration of the Unadjusted Effect of Gain-Related Self-Perceptions of Aging (SPA) on Mortality, and the second to last sentence of the Figure 3 note now appears as the figure depicts the findings of Model 1.1 (cf. Table 2); in addition, this table contains findings adjusted for various covariates. All versions of this article have been corrected. (The following abstract of the original article appeared in record 2022-31793-001.) [Correction Notice: An Erratum for this article was reported online in Journal of Personality and Social Psychology on Apr 25 2022 (see record 2022-56187-001). In the original article, there was an error in the third sentence in the Combined Model Comprising SPA Dimensions and SA section. The corrected sentence should read as: Again, an increase of gain-related SPA by 1 SD was related to a decrease in risk of death by 12%. All versions of this article have been corrected.] Some 2 decades have passed since Levy et al. (2002) published their seminal study on the impact of self-perceptions of aging (SPA) on mortality over a period of 23 years in this journal; we aimed at replicating and extending these findings against the background of recent discussions in the research on subjective aging. Based on a large German nationwide population-based sample of individuals aged 40 and older ( N = 2,400), for whom mortality was also documented over a period of 23 years (1996-2019), the present study is the first to investigate the unique impact of gain- and loss-related SPA and subjective age (SA) as components of subjective aging on mortality. Data were analyzed with hierarchical Cox proportional hazard regressions. The study pointed to the prominent role of gain-related SPA. For individuals who perceived aging as associated with ongoing development risk of death was half that of individuals with less gain-related SPA. Viewing aging as associated with physical or social losses could not predict mortality after controlling for covariates such as age, gender, education, health-related variables, and psychological variables known to predict mortality. Neither could SA predict mortality. When SA and gain- and loss-related SPA were analyzed in a combined model, gain-related SPA remained a significant predictor of mortality. The findings support previous studies on the importance of SPA for mortality. In addition, the results suggest that mainly gain-related SPA (but not loss-related SPA and SA) explain differences in mortality and should thus be addressed in intervention studies. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2023 APA, all rights reserved).
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