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The chest CT signs for pulmonary veno-occlusive disease correlate with pulmonary haemodynamics in systemic sclerosis.

Rheumatology 2023 September 15
OBJECTIVE: Pulmonary arterial hypertension associated with systemic sclerosis (PAH-SSc) sometimes accompanies pulmonary veno-occlusive disease (PVOD). We aimed to reveal the relation between clinical signs of PVOD and severing of pulmonary vasculopathy in SSc.

METHODS: This study comprised 52 consecutive SSc patients who had pulmonary haemodynamic abnormalities (mPAP > 20 mmHg, PVR > 2 W.U. or PAWP > 15 mmHg). The chest CT scan was evaluated in all patients. Patients were divided into two groups, the 0-1 group and the 2-3 group, according to the number of chest CT signs for PVOD, including 1) mediastinal lymph node enlargement, 2) thickened interlobular septal wall, and 3) ground glass opacity. Pulmonary haemodynamics, echocardiography and MRI-based cardiac function, pulmonary function, and serum biomarkers were compared between the two groups.

RESULTS: Mediastinal lymph node enlargement, thickened interlobular septal wall, and ground glass opacity were observed in 11 (21%), 32 (62%), and 11 (21%) patients, respectively. The 2-3 group (n = 15) had higher mPAP (p= 0.02) while lower DLco/VA (p= 0.02) compared with the 0-1 group (n = 37). Other parameters, including PAWP, cardiac output, left ventricular ejection fraction, left atrial diameter, forced vital capacity, brain natriuretic peptide, and Krebs von den Lunge-6 were not different between the two groups.

CONCLUSION: The CT signs for PVOD had positive correlation with mPAP but negative correlation with DLco in SSc patients, indicating that PAH-SSc may reflect a spectrum of pulmonary vascular disease that ranges from the pulmonary artery to the vein.

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