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ChatGPT: Can You Prepare My Patients for [ 18 F]FDG PET/CT and Explain My Reports?
Journal of Nuclear Medicine 2023 September 14
We evaluated whether the artificial intelligence chatbot ChatGPT can adequately answer patient questions related to [18 F]FDG PET/CT in common clinical indications before and after scanning. Methods: Thirteen questions regarding [18 F]FDG PET/CT were submitted to ChatGPT. ChatGPT was also asked to explain 6 PET/CT reports (lung cancer, Hodgkin lymphoma) and answer 6 follow-up questions (e.g., on tumor stage or recommended treatment). To be rated "useful" or "appropriate," a response had to be adequate by the standards of the nuclear medicine staff. Inconsistency was assessed by regenerating responses. Results: Responses were rated "appropriate" for 92% of 25 tasks and "useful" for 96%. Considerable inconsistencies were found between regenerated responses for 16% of tasks. Responses to 83% of sensitive questions (e.g., staging/treatment options) were rated "empathetic." Conclusion: ChatGPT might adequately substitute for advice given to patients by nuclear medicine staff in the investigated settings. Improving the consistency of ChatGPT would further increase reliability.
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