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Thioglycosides Act as Metabolic Inhibitors of Bacterial Glycan Biosynthesis.

ACS Infectious Diseases 2023 September 12
Glycans that coat the surface of bacteria are compelling antibiotic targets because they contain distinct monosaccharides that are linked to pathogenesis and are absent in human cells. Disrupting glycan biosynthesis presents a path to inhibiting the ability of a bacterium to infect the host. We previously demonstrated that O-glycosides act as metabolic inhibitors and disrupt bacterial glycan biosynthesis. Inspired by a recent study which showed that thioglycosides (S-glycosides) are 10 times more effective than O-glycosides at inhibiting glycan biosynthesis in mammalian cells, we crafted a panel of S-glycosides based on rare bacterial monosaccharides. The novel thioglycosides altered glycan biosynthesis and fitness in pathogenic bacteria but had no notable effect on glycosylation or growth in beneficial bacteria or mammalian cells. In contrast to findings in mammalian cells, S-glycosides and O-glycosides exhibited comparable potency in bacteria. However, S-glycosides exhibited enhanced selectivity relative to O-glycosides. These novel metabolic inhibitors will allow selective perturbation of the bacterial glycocalyx for functional studies and set the stage to expand our antibiotic arsenal.

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