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Outcomes in SJS/TEN Patients Treated with a Medicine-Led Multidisciplinary Approach.

Patients with Stevens-Johnson syndrome (SJS) and toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN) have traditionally been treated in burn centers. Our burn center's approach differs by admitting these patients to a medicine service, with support from the burn team. The aim of this study was to determine whether SJS/TEN patients cared for with our system, with burn involvement but not burn admission, demonstrate equivalent outcomes. We conducted a retrospective review of all SJS/TEN patients admitted to the medicine service at a single academic medical center from 2009 to 2021. Outcome measures such as mortality, length of ICU stay and total length of hospitalization were collected. The Severity-of-Illness Score for Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis (SCORTEN) was used to calculate expected mortality rates within the cohort. The observed mortality rates were then compared to the expected mortality rates. 126 patients who were admitted for SJS/TEN were included (70 SJS, 40 SJS/TEN overlap, 16 TEN). The mortality rate for the entire cohort was 10.32% as compared to a 22.33% expected mortality rate (p=0.010). The observed and expected mortality rates for SJS, SJS/TEN overlap, and TEN sub-groups were 1.43% observed versus 10.22% expected (p=0.029), 20.00% observed versus 35.83% expected (p=0.133), and 25.00% observed version 44.06% expected (p=0.264) respectively. Mortality rates in SJS/TEN patients admitted to medicine units are equivalent or decreased as compared to SCORTEN predicted mortality rates. Admission of SJS/TEN patients to a medicine unit is appropriate providing there is burn team involvement in their care.

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