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Screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment in oral health settings: A scoping review.

OBJECTIVES: Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) is an effective evidence-based model to provide early intervention and treatment to people with substance use disorders across diverse health settings. Yet, how SBIRT has been implemented within oral health settings and its associated outcomes has not been explored. This scoping review assessed how SBIRT has been implemented in oral health settings in the U.S. and discusses the implications for SBIRT integration in dentistry and oral health research, education and practice.

METHODS: Five scholarly databases were searched using a scoping review methodology for relevant literature, yielding seven articles that met inclusion criteria.

RESULTS: Findings from seven U.S. studies show that SBIRT has been implemented into oral health settings in three distinct ways: through education/training, as an intervention and in one national survey. Findings of this scoping review support the inclusion of SBIRT education for oral health professionals in both practice and clinical environments and offer examples of existing models for future implementation and study.

CONCLUSIONS: The scant literature on SBIRT intervention effects in dental settings-both within and outside of the U.S.-underscores the need for more empirical work to better understand how SBIRT impacts dental providers' knowledge, practices, referrals and ultimately, patient outcomes.

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