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Journal Article
Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural
Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't
The emerging roles of deep crypt secretory cells in colonic physiology.
Deep crypt secretory (DCS) cells are a population of epithelial cells located at the colonic crypt base that share some similarities to Paneth and goblet cells. They were initially defined as c-Kit expressing cells, though subsequent work showed that they are more specifically marked by Reg4 in the murine colon. The best-understood function of DCS cells at present is supporting the stem cell niche by generating Notch and EGF ligands. However, as these cells also express immunoregulatory (e.g., Ccl6 ) and host defense (e.g., Retnlb ) genes, it is likely they have additional functions in maintaining colonic health outside of maintenance of the stem niche. Recent advances in single-cell transcriptomic profiling hint at additional epithelial and immune roles that may exist for these cells and have aided in elucidating their developmental lineage. This review highlights the emerging evidence supporting a crucial role for DCS cells in intestinal physiology, the current understanding of how these cells are regulated, and their potential role(s) in colonic disease.
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