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Longitudinal Study of Family Medicine Residents' Clinical Teaching After Participation in the Residents-as-Teachers Program.

Family Medicine 2023 September
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Residents-as-teachers (RAT) programs provide opportunities for residents to gain teaching skills. Published studies have assessed RAT programs largely at a single point in time rather than longitudinally. To address this gap, we examined (a) longitudinal trends in RAT participants' interest, comfort, confidence, skill, and familiarity with aspects of clinical teaching; and (b) subsequent involvement in clinical teaching.

METHODS: We conducted a longitudinal survey of one cohort of family medicine residents (N=56) who participated in the RAT program during residency. We collected data before and after the RAT program and at one and three years into practice (2016-2020). We measured outcomes including interest, comfort, confidence, skill, familiarity with aspects of clinical teaching and involvement in clinical teaching. We performed longitudinal analysis using repeated measures analysis of variance.

RESULTS: Response rates at four data collections were 63% (n=35), 66% (n=37), 55% (n=31), and 34% (n=19), respectively. We observed consistent trends in interest, comfort, confidence, skill, and familiarity with aspects of clinical teaching; mean scores increased from before to after the RAT program and subsequently decreased in the early years in practice. At 1 and 3 years in practice, 71% and 74% of respondents, respectively, reported being involved in teaching, primarily teaching medical students.

CONCLUSIONS: The RAT program appears to be a positive contributing influence on family medicine graduates' perceived preparedness to teach and their involvement in teaching after graduation from residency. A relatively high proportion of residents are involved in teaching in the early years in practice.

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