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Unique repetitive nucleic acid structures mirror switch regions in the human IgH locus.

Biochimie 2023 September 5
Immunoglobulin (Ig) genes carry the unique ability to be reshaped in peripheral B lymphocytes after these cells encounter a specific antigen. B cells can then further improve their affinity, acquire new functions as memory cells and eventually end up as antibody-secreting cells. Ig class switching is an important change that occurs in this context, thanks to local DNA lesions initiated by the enzyme activation-induced deaminase (AID). Several cis-acting elements of the Ig heavy (IgH) chain locus make it accessible to the AID-mediated lesions that promote class switch recombination (CSR). DNA repeats, with a non-template strand rich in G-quadruplexes (G4)-DNA, are prominent cis-targets of AID and define the so-called "switch" (S) regions specifically targeted for CSR. By analyzing the structure of the human IgH locus, we uncover that abundant DNA repeats, some with a putative G4-rich template strand, are additionally present in downstream portions of the IgH coding genes. These like-S (LS) regions stand as 3' mirror-images of S regions and also show analogies to some previously reported repeats associated with the IgH locus 3' super-enhancer. A regulatory role of LS repeats is strongly suggested by their specific localization close to exons encoding the membrane form of Ig molecules, and by their conservation during mammalian evolution.

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