Journal Article
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The shifting roles and toxicities of cellular therapies in B-cell malignancies.

Cellular therapies provide a curative-intent option for patients with relapsedand refractory lymphomas. Current options including high dose chemotherapyfollowed by autologous or allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation or CD19 chimericantigen receptor T-cell (CART) therapy. The indication varies according to lymphoma sub-type and line oftherapy. The sequencing of these therapies and their use in second-line orlater settings to manage these diseases is undergoing significant changes, withCD19 CAR T becoming a preferred option for relapsed aggressive B-cell lymphoma.The mechanism of both therapies causes significant yet distinctlymphodepletion, infectious, and inflammatory toxicities. The resulting patternand timing of immune reconstitution helps guide risk-mitigating strategies,revaccination, and infectious prophylaxis. In this review, we discuss theindication, efficacy, toxicity and immune reconstitution of autologoushematopoietic stem cell transplantation and CAR T therapy for use in thetreatment of lymphoma.

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