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Rutin intake mitigates the injury of blue light irradiation by altering aging rates of mortality in Drosophila model.

Blue light is known as one of the harmful light pollution that has complex effects on organisms. The massive use of LED lights in cities has greatly increased the frequency of human exposure to blue light, and therefore the hazards of blue light are receiving widespread attention. In our study, Drosophila was used as the model organism to explore the ability of the flavonoid rutin to resist blue light damage under the intensity of 3000 Lux. Siler model analysis was performed. Our results showed sex-specific pattern of rutin as an effective antioxidant. Rutin could help female flies to reduce the initial adult mortality and male flies to slow the increase of adult mortality under blue light irradiation, thus prolonging their average lifespan. Furthermore, after the intake of rutin, the locomotor activity of Drosophila under blue light irradiation was significantly increased, and the total sleep time was significantly decreased. In summary, our results provide preliminary support for exploring the mechanism of rutin against blue light damage.

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