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Impact of home blood pressure monitors on self-monitoring and control of blood pressure in vulnerable adults.

To evaluate associations between home blood pressure monitoring (HBPM) and blood pressure (BP) in vulnerable adults during the COVID-19 pandemic, when access to in-person care was restricted. A retrospective cohort study was conducted in adults with hypertension or elevated BP given a home BP monitor vs. usual care. Change in BP from baseline to follow-up was compared between groups, controlling for potential confounders. Subgroup analyses of BP outcomes were also assessed in patients age >50 years. There was no difference in SBP reduction between n = 82 HBPM patients (-11.7/-2.9 mmHg) and n = 280 usual care patients (-12.5/-5.8 mmHg; P> 0.05). Results were similar in multivariable analysis controlling for potential confounders [coefficient 0.44, 95% confidence interval (CI) -3.98 to 4.87]. However, in the subgroup of patients aged>50 years, there was a significant association between SBP reduction and HBPM in the multivariable analyses (coefficient -7.2, 95% CI -13.8 to -0.62, P= 0.032). HBPM use was not associated with BP reduction in vulnerable adults overall during high telehealth use. An association between SBP reduction and HBPM was observed in those aged>50 years. Targeting limited HBPM resources to those aged >50 years old may have the most impact on BP.

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