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Impact of long-term ultrasound treatment on structural and physicochemical properties of starches differing in granule size.
Carbohydrate Polymers 2023 November 15
Granule size is a critical parameter affecting starch processing properties. Ultrasound treatments of up to 22 h were applied on two starches differing in granule size (quinoa starch and maize starch). The two starches showed significantly different trends in both structural and physicochemical aspects affected by the ultrasound treatments. For the small granule starch (volume-weighted mean particle size of 1.79 μm), short-term ultrasonication caused an increase of swelling power. As the treatment time increased, the physicochemical properties were influenced by the degradation of amylopectin external chains. The X-ray diffraction results showed a decrease of relative crystallinity and changes of peak areas with long-term treatment. On the other hand, a balance between amylose leaching and surface damages was seen for the large granule starch (volume-weighted mean particle size of 18.3 μm). The effect of ultrasound modification on starches with different molecular and granular structures was discussed. A possible mechanism of the ultrasound effect was proposed.
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