Case Reports
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Transcutaneous auricular vagus nerve stimulation therapy in patients with cognitively preserved structural focal epilepsy: A case series report.

Brain & Development 2024 January
OBJECTIVE: Transcutaneous auricular vagus nerve stimulation (taVNS) was performed in two patients suffering structural focal epilepsy with preserved intellectual ability to show the feasibility of taVNS for specific patient groups.

CASE PRESENTATIONS: Patient 1 was a 24-year-old woman with frontal lobe epilepsy who had weekly hyperkinetic seizures despite multiple anti-seizure medications. Patient 2 was a 27-year-old woman with parietal lobe epilepsy and focal cortical dysplasia in the vicinity of the lipoma in the corpus callosum. She experienced weekly focal-impaired awareness seizures even with anti-seizure medication. taVNS was applied to the left earlobe of both patients at 1.5 mA, 25 Hz, 250 μs pulse width, and 30 s stimulation with 30 s rest for 4 h per day. Over an 8-week baseline and 20 weeks of stimulation, the rate of reduction in seizure frequency was evaluated, along with quality-of-life using the Short-Form 36-Item Health survey.

RESULTS: At baseline, we measured up to 11 and 12 focal seizures per week in Patient 1 and 2, respectively, with both patients achieving seizure freedom after 4 and 20 weeks taVNS, respectively. Patient 1 and 2 were observed for 18 and 14 months, respectively, including the clinical trial and follow-up observation period. Quality-of-life ratings increased in both patients, and no significant adverse events occurred during the study period. During the maintenance period after 20 weeks, seizures remained absent in Patient 1, and seizures remained reduced in Patient 2.

CONCLUSION: Our results demonstrate that taVNS may be a promising tool for structural focal epilepsy with preserved cognitive function. A multicenter double-blind clinical trial is needed to confirm the role of taVNS as an anti-seizure tool.

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