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Single-nucleus multiomic mapping of m 6 A methylomes and transcriptomes in native populations of cells with sn-m6A-CT.

Molecular Cell 2023 August 25
N6 -methyladenosine (m6 A) RNA modification plays important roles in the governance of gene expression and is temporally regulated in different cell states. In contrast to global m6 A profiling in bulk sequencing, single-cell technologies for analyzing m6 A heterogeneity are not extensively established. Here, we developed single-nucleus m6A-CUT&Tag (sn-m6A-CT) for simultaneous profiling of m6 A methylomes and transcriptomes within a single nucleus using mouse embryonic stem cells (mESCs). m6A-CT is capable of enriching m6 A-marked RNA molecules in situ, without isolating RNAs from cells. We adapted m6A-CT to the droplet-based single-cell omics platform and demonstrated high-throughput performance in analyzing nuclei isolated from thousands of cells from various cell types. We show that sn-m6A-CT profiling is sufficient to determine cell identity and allows the generation of cell-type-specific m6 A methylome landscapes from heterogeneous populations. These indicate that sn-m6A-CT provides additional dimensions to multimodal datasets and insights into epitranscriptomic landscape in defining cell fate identity and states.

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