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Randomized Controlled Study in the Use of Aromatherapy for Pain Reduction and to Reduce Opioid Use in the Emergency Department.
Journal of Emergency Nursing : JEN : Official Publication of the Emergency Department Nurses Association 2023 August 31
INTRODUCTION: This study aimed to evaluate the effects of aromatherapy on emergency department patients' perception of pain and its ability to reduce the use of opioids in an emergency department.
METHODS: This randomized, controlled, single-blinded study was conducted in a suburban/rural freestanding emergency department with a therapeutic group, sham group, and control group.
RESULTS: A total of 230 patients, 171 females and 59 males, completed the study. Of those who received the therapeutic agent, an average reduction in pain of 1.04 points on the pain scale was reported, whereas the sham group averaged 0.38 and the control group 0.23. There was a statistically significant reduction of pain scores in the therapeutic group. A total of 13 received opioid pain medication during their visit. Of these, the therapeutic group averaged a total of 2.67 morphine milligram equivalents for their visit compared with 3.63 in the sham group and 4.36 in the control group; however, statistical significance was not achieved.
DISCUSSION: This study supported what other studies have found, indicating that aromatherapy is effective in reducing pain. A difference between the placebo effect and a true therapeutic effect was seen by using a control group apart from the sham and therapeutic groups. Despite the small effect size (0.3), implementation of aromatherapy into standard practice may be practical considering the anxiolytic effects that have been shown in other studies. Aromatherapy with essential oils should be considered as another tool to use in a multimodal approach in the treatment of pain in the emergency department setting.
METHODS: This randomized, controlled, single-blinded study was conducted in a suburban/rural freestanding emergency department with a therapeutic group, sham group, and control group.
RESULTS: A total of 230 patients, 171 females and 59 males, completed the study. Of those who received the therapeutic agent, an average reduction in pain of 1.04 points on the pain scale was reported, whereas the sham group averaged 0.38 and the control group 0.23. There was a statistically significant reduction of pain scores in the therapeutic group. A total of 13 received opioid pain medication during their visit. Of these, the therapeutic group averaged a total of 2.67 morphine milligram equivalents for their visit compared with 3.63 in the sham group and 4.36 in the control group; however, statistical significance was not achieved.
DISCUSSION: This study supported what other studies have found, indicating that aromatherapy is effective in reducing pain. A difference between the placebo effect and a true therapeutic effect was seen by using a control group apart from the sham and therapeutic groups. Despite the small effect size (0.3), implementation of aromatherapy into standard practice may be practical considering the anxiolytic effects that have been shown in other studies. Aromatherapy with essential oils should be considered as another tool to use in a multimodal approach in the treatment of pain in the emergency department setting.
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