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Hematology and blood biochemistry in a declining population of mantled howler monkeys (Alouatta palliata palliata) at La Pacifica, Costa Rica.

BACKGROUND: Alouatta palliata palliata are an ecologically flexible howler monkey subspecies that has recently been relisted as Endangered. Populations are declining through much of the subspecies' range, including at our study site at La Pacifica, Costa Rica. Our objectives were to screen blood hematology and biochemistry samples collected from this wild population to elucidate their baseline health.

METHODS: We collected blood samples from 38 adult individuals from across the study site and analyzed 13 hematology and 14 biochemistry parameters.

RESULTS: Most hematology and blood biochemistry parameter values were similar between males and females. However, mean hemoglobin was significantly lower, and mean white blood cell count was significantly higher in females; and mean calcium and mean creatinine were significantly lower in females compared to males.

CONCLUSIONS: Overall, the La Pacifica population appeared healthy based on the blood parameters analyzed from sampled individuals. Our results were also largely consistent with published data available from other populations of A. p. palliata, and with reference values for captive Alouatta caraya.

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