Journal Article
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Pregnancy & neonatal outcomes in spondyloarthritis.

Limited research has been conducted on the impact of spondylitis (SpA) on fertility, but some studies suggest a higher risk of subfertility in women with SpA compared to the general population. Factors associated with impaired fertility in SpA include pain, fatigue, stiffness, functional disorders, depression, anxiety, negative body image, and the use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) preconceptionally, while TNF alpha inhibitors may play a role in improving fertility in certain cases. There has been a recent increase in clinical research focused on pregnancy outcomes in SpA. However, clear trends in terms of risk of pregnancy and fetal complications have been slow to emerge and many questions remain for women with SpA planning a pregnancy. This article discusses the current evidence for risk of specific pregnancy and fetal complications in women with axial and psoriatic SpA.

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