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Total-Body Perfusion Imaging with [ 11 C]-Butanol.
Journal of Nuclear Medicine 2023 August 31
Tissue perfusion can be affected by physiology or disease. With the advent of total-body PET, quantitative measurement of perfusion across the entire body is possible. [11 C]-butanol is a perfusion tracer with a superior extraction fraction compared with [15 O]-water and [13 N]-ammonia. To develop the methodology for total-body perfusion imaging, a pilot study using [11 C]-butanol on the uEXPLORER total-body PET/CT scanner was conducted. Methods: Eight participants (6 healthy volunteers and 2 patients with peripheral vascular disease [PVD]) were injected with a bolus of [11 C]-butanol and underwent 30-min dynamic acquisitions. Three healthy volunteers underwent repeat studies at rest (baseline) to assess test-retest reproducibility; 1 volunteer underwent paired rest and cold pressor test (CPT) studies. Changes in perfusion were measured in the paired rest-CPT study. For PVD patients, local changes in perfusion were investigated and correlated with patient medical history. Regional and parametric kinetic analysis methods were developed using a 1-tissue compartment model and leading-edge delay correction. Results: Estimated baseline perfusion values ranged from 0.02 to 1.95 mL·min-1 ·cm-3 across organs. Test-retest analysis showed that repeat baseline perfusion measurements were highly correlated (slope, 0.99; Pearson r = 0.96, P < 0.001). For the CPT subject, the largest regional increases were in skeletal muscle (psoas, 142%) and the myocardium (64%). One of the PVD patients showed increased collateral vessel growth in the calf because of a peripheral stenosis. Comorbidities including myocardial infarction, hypothyroidism, and renal failure were correlated with variations in organ-specific perfusion. Conclusion: This pilot study demonstrates the ability to obtain reproducible measurements of total-body perfusion using [11 C]-butanol. The methods are sensitive to local perturbations in flow because of physiologic stressors and disease.
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