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Plasma exchange in neurology patients-experience from single center in Montenegro.

INTRODUCTION: Plasma exchange (PE) is widely used in many immune-based neurological diseases. Our aim is to analyze characteristics of PE in neurological patients at the Clinical Center of Montenegro.

METHODS: Our study involved neurological patients treated with PE between January 2020 and April 2022.

RESULTS: In total, 246 PEs were performed in 43 patients. We divided patients into 4 groups according to indications. In 8/9 multiple sclerosis (MS) patients a decrease of Expanded Dysability Status Scale at least 0.5 was verified. In 14/20 Guillain Barre syndrome patients reduction of Hughes was observed. Four patients with myasthenia gravis (MG) were treated with PE. The most heterogeneous group (4) consisted of patients in whom the mechanism of disease development is assumed to be immune system dysregulation. Fourteen patients had any adverse event.

CONCLUSION: Our results show that PE is widely used and safe in the treatment of neurological diseases.

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