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Biomarkers in congenital adrenal hyperplasia.

Clinical Endocrinology 2023 August 22
Monitoring of hormone replacement therapy represents a major challenge in the management of congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH). In the absence of clear guidance and standardised monitoring strategies, there is no consensus among clinicians regarding the relevance of various biochemical markers used in practice, leading to wide variability in their application and interpretation. In this review, we summarise the published evidence on biochemical monitoring of CAH. We discuss temporal variations of the most commonly measured biomarkers throughout the day, the interrelationship between different biomarkers, as well as their relationship with different glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid treatment regimens and clinical outcomes. Our review highlights significant heterogeneity across studies in both aims and methodology. However, we identified key messages for the management of patients with CAH. The approach to hormone replacement therapy should be individualised, based on the individual hormonal profile throughout the day in relation to medication. There are limitations to using 17-hydroxyprogesterone, androstenedione and testosterone, and the role of additional biomarkers such 11-oxygenated androgens which are more disease specific should be further established. Noninvasive monitoring via salivary and urinary steroid measurements is becoming increasingly available and should be considered, especially in the management of children with CAH. Additionally, this review indicates the need for large scale longitudinal studies analysing the interrelation between different monitoring strategies used in clinical practice and health outcomes in children and adults with CAH.

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