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The impact of social media use on depression, anxiety, and well-being for teens/young people: using hypnosis to build a strong sense of self.
American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis 2023 August 16
The national conversation continues to focus on the negative impact of social media on teens/young people. The lingering effects of the pandemic revealed sharp increases in the common practice of "compare and despair" as well as higher rates of loneliness, isolation, depression, and self-harming behaviors. In May 2023, the US Surgeon General warned that social media "is the defining public issue of our time" and is driving the teen mental health crisis. These concerns for the mental health of humans across the globe are real and dramatic. Social media's impact on young people can be neutral, negative, positive or shades of each. The hypnosis community has an opportunity to be a more vital presence in helping young people navigate, manage, and reduce negative social media impact and to harness social media's very positive contributions, many of which are well documented. This article focuses on assessing social media use in teens and young adults, identifying developmental tasks being practiced on social media, and how factors such as time spent on social media and social media experiences have promoted trauma, stress, depression and anxiety. In addition, it will consider some of the ways in which the isolating effects of COVID-19 have further impacted well-being. Finally, the article will discuss how hypnotherapists can leverage social media to foster stronger ego strengthening using therapeutic interventions that employ hypnosis, hypnotherapy techniques and interventions, hypnotic scripts, and social media to lower mental health risks in teens/young adults.
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