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Journal Article
The influence of ionic polysaccharides on the physicochemical and techno-functional properties of soy proteins; a comprehensive review.
Carbohydrate Polymers 2023 November 1
Since the world's population has surged in recent decades, the need for sustainable as well as environmentally friendly protein sources is growing. However, there are daunting challenges in utilizing these protein sources in the food industry due to their poor techno-functional properties compared with animal proteins. Numerous procedures have been introduced to improve plant protein functionalities with related pros and cons. Among them, complexation with polysaccharides is considered a safe and effective process for modulating plant proteins' technological and industrial applications. Notwithstanding the nutritional value of soy protein (SP) as a "complete protein," it is a crucial protein commercially because of its rank as the highest-traded plant-based protein worldwide. The current review deals with SP complexation with ionic polysaccharides, including chitosan, alginate, carrageenan, and xanthan gum, and their effects on the physicochemical and techno-functional properties of SP. Accordingly, the structure of SP and the abovementioned polysaccharides have been considered for a better understanding of the possible interactions. Then, the changes in the physicochemical and functional properties of SP and their potential applications in the formulation of plant-based food products have been discussed. Overall, ionic polysaccharides at optimum conditions would improve the functional properties of SP by altering its secondary structure, making it suitable for a wide range of applications in the food industry.
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