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Ultrasound Attenuation Imaging vs MRI-PDFF, Echogenicity and Liver Function for Assessing Degree of Steatosis in NAFLD and Non-NAFLD Patients.
Ultrasound Quarterly 2023 August 3
Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is a primary cause of parenchymal liver disease globally. There are currently several methods available to test the degree of steatosis in NAFLD patients, but all have drawbacks that limit their use.The objective of this study is to determine if a new technique, ultrasound (US) attenuation imaging (ATI), correlates with magnetic resonance proton density fat fraction imaging and hepatic echogenicity as seen on gray scale US imaging.Fifty-four patients were recruited at the University of Washington Medical Center from individuals who had already been scheduled for hepatic US or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). All participants then underwent both hepatic MRI proton density fat fraction and US. Ultrasound images were then evaluated using ATI with 2 observers who individually determined relative grayscale echogenicity.Analysis showed positive correlation between ATI- and MRI-determined fat percentage in the case group (Spearman correlation: 0.50; P = 0.015). Furthermore, participants with NAFLD tended to have a higher ATI than controls (median: 0.70 vs 0.54 dB/cm/MHz; P < 0.001).This study demonstrates that US ATI combined with grayscale imaging is an effective way of assessing the degree of steatosis in patients with moderate to severe NAFLD.
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