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Hydrolyzed Collagen Powder Dressing Improves Wound Inflammation, Perfusion, and Breaking Strength of Repaired Tissue.
Advances in Wound Care 2023 September 13
Objective: Hydrolyzed collagen-based matrices are widely used as wound care dressings. Information on the mechanism of action of such dressings is scanty. The objective of this study was to test the effect of a specific hydrolyzed collagen powder (HCP), which is extensively used for wound care management in the United States. Approach: The effects of HCP on resolution of wound inflammation, perfusion, closure, and breaking strength of the repaired skin were studied in an experimental murine model. Results: In early (day 7) inflammatory phase of wound macrophages, HCP treatment boosted phagocytosis and efferocytosis of wound-site macrophages. In these cells, inducible reactive oxygen species were also higher on day (d) 7. HCP treatment potentiated the expression of anti-inflammatory interleukin (IL)-10 cytokine and proangiogenic vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) production. Excisional wounds dressed with HCP showed complete closure on day 21, while the control wounds remained open. HCP treatment also demonstrated improved quality of wound healing as marked by the improved breaking strength of the closed wound tissue/repaired skin. Innovation: These data represent first evidence on the mechanism of action of clinically used HCP. Conclusion: HCP dressing favorably influenced both wound inflammation and vascularization. Improved breaking strength of HCP-treated repaired skin lays the rationale for future studies testing the hypothesis that HCP-treated closed wounds would show fewer recurrences.
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