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Journal Article
Mitral regurgitation in the critically ill: the devil is in the detail.
Annals of Intensive Care 2023 August 2
Mitral regurgitation (MR) is common in the critically unwell and encompasses a heterogenous group of conditions with diverging therapeutic strategies. MR may present acutely with haemodynamic instability or more insidiously with failure to wean from mechanical ventilation. Critical illness is associated with marked physiological stress and haemodynamic changes that dynamically influence the severity and implication of MR. The expanding role of critical care echocardiography uniquely positions the intensivist to apply advanced bedside valvular assessment to recognise haemodynanically significant MR, manipulate and optimise cardiopulmonary physiology and identify patients requiring urgent cardiology and surgical referral. This review will consider common clinical scenarios, therapeutic strategies and the pearls and pitfalls of echocardiographic assessment and quantification in the critically unwell.
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