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Inhibition of PI3K p110δ activity reduces IgE production in IL-4 and anti-CD40 stimulated human B cell cultures.
Immunology 2023 August 2
Phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) p110δ signalling negatively regulates the production of mouse IgE. However, there are disparities between the mouse and human IgE biology, and the role of PI3K p110δ in the production of human IgE is yet to be determined. To investigate the effect of PI3K p110δ inhibition in the production of human IgE we isolated human B cells from tonsil tissue and stimulated them with IL-4 and anti-CD40 antibody to induce class switching to IgE and IgG1 in the presence or absence of IC87114, a small molecule inhibitor of PI3K p110δ. Using FACS, RT-PCR and ELISA we examined the effect of PI3K p110δ inhibition on IgE production and determined the mechanisms involved. Unlike in mice, we observed that PI3K p110δ inhibition significantly reduces the number of IgE+ switched cells and the amounts of secreted IgE in IL4 and anti-CD40 cultures. However, the number of IgG1+ cells and secreted IgG1 were largely unaffected by PI3K p110δ inhibition. The expression levels of AID, ε and γ1 germinal transcripts or other factors involved in the regulation of CSR to IgE and IgG1 were also unaffected by IC87114. However, we found that IC87114 significantly decreases the proliferation of tonsil B cells stimulated with IL-4 and anti-CD40, specifically reducing the frequency of cells that had undergone 4 divisions or more. In addition, PI3K p110δ inhibition reduced the levels of IRF4 expression in IgE+ germinal centre-like B cells leading to a block in plasma cell differentiation. In conclusion, PI3K p110δ signalling is required for the production of human IgE, which makes it a pharmacological target for the treatment of allergic disease.
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