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Measuring age-friendliness of transportation and mobility characteristics in communities: A scoping review.

Gerontologist 2023 August 1
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Age-friendly communities are those with characteristics that can support and promote healthy aging. Among the common domains of these characteristics, transportation and neighborhood spaces are particularly relevant for older adults maintaining mobility in their communities. The objective of this scoping review is to provide a synthesis of age-friendly community indicators, developed for research and planning, that evaluate characteristics most associated with community-level mobility, specifically transportation and neighborhood spaces.

RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: We conducted a systematic search of PubMed, Scopus, Medline, APA PsychInfo, CINAHL Plus, SocIndex, Academic Search Premier, and Web of Science. We reviewed eight articles and reports that described the development or evaluation of a set of generalizable indicators to measure the age-friendliness of a community's transportation and neighborhood spaces resources.

RESULTS: Indicators of transportation and neighborhood spaces ranged from self-reported measures of accessibility and convenience to objective measures of the availability and cost of services. Explicit discussion of mobility at the community level was variable in these records, and few authors specifically discussed common life transitions impacted by these age-friendly community indicators such as driving cessation.

DISCUSSION AND IMPLICATIONS: While age-friendly communities are a well-established goal for promoting healthy aging, our review found few validated approaches for measuring age-friendliness that researchers and communities can use to investigate mobility at the community level. This is an important gap in studying life transitions such as driving cessation. Further research can provide a better understanding of which community characteristics support ongoing mobility.

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