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Tranexamic Acid for ACE inhibitor-induced Angioedema.

Approximately 0.7% of patients taking Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEI) develop ACEI induced angioedema (ACEI-IA). With no current approved treatments for ACEI-IA, the risk of complications is concerning. Tranexamic acid (TXA) has shown the potential to prevent intubations and resolve ACEI-IA through inhibiting downstream production of bradykinin. In this review, we aim to evaluate the safety and efficacy of TXA use in ACEI-IA. We queried the PubMed database for studies involving TXA for ACEI-IA from January 2003 to January 2023. Seven studies met the study inclusion criteria, and our results demonstrate that TXA may improve angioedema symptoms and prevent intubation. In addition, its availability, low cost, and safety profile supports its use for ACEI-IA to improve symptoms and complications in an emergency setting.

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