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German Ixodes inopinatus samples may not actually represent this tick species.
International Journal for Parasitology 2023 July 27
Ticks are important vectors of human and animal pathogens, but many questions remain unanswered regarding their taxonomy. Molecular sequencing methods have allowed research to start understanding the evolutionary history of even closely related tick species. Ixodes inopinatus is considered a sister species and highly similar to Ixodes ricinus, an important vector of many tick-borne pathogens in Europe, but identification between these species remains ambiguous with disagreement on the geographic extent of I. inopinatus. In 2018-2019, 1583 ticks were collected from breeding great tits (Parus major) in southern Germany, of which 37 were later morphologically identified as I. inopinatus. We aimed to confirm morphological identification using molecular tools. Utilizing two genetic markers (16S rRNA, TROSPA) and whole genome sequencing of specific ticks (n=8), we were able to determine that German samples, morphologically identified as I. inopinatus, genetically represent I. ricinus regardless of previous morphological identification, and most likely are not I. ricinus/I. inopinatus hybrids. Further, our results showed that the entire mitochondrial genome, let alone singular mitochondrial genes (i.e., 16S), is unable to distinguish between I. ricinus and I. inopinatus. Our results suggest that I. inopinatus is geographically isolated as a species (northern Africa and potentially southern Spain and Portugal) and brings into question whether I. inopinatus exists in central Europe. Our results highlight the probable existence of I. inopinatus and the power of utilizing genomic data in answering questions regarding tick taxonomy.
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