Journal Article
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Gynecologic and Breast Cancers: What's New in Chemoresistance and Chemosensitivity Tests?

Gynecological and breast cancers affect women's health worldwide. Although chemotherapy is one of the principal treatments for cancer, it also has limitations owing to toxicity and tumor resistance to the drugs used. Thus, individualized treatment based on personal tumor characteristics is essential for improving therapeutic outcomes and patient survival. Chemoresistance and chemosensitivity tests can be useful for predicting tumor response and guiding chemotherapy choices. This methodology has already been applied to breast, ovarian, cervical, and endometrial cancers, identifying successfully which drugs cause resistance and sensitivity responses for each individual person, influencing their progression-free survival and overall response. In addition, more recent techniques, such as organoids and patient-derived xenografts, can also recapitulate patients' tumor characteristics and contribute to chemo response evaluation. Therefore, this review compiles information on chemoresistance and chemosensitivity tests performed in gynecologic and breast cancers and their main results for women's health improvement.

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