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Journal Article
Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural
Medium-chain fatty acid oxidation is independent of l-carnitine in liver and kidney but not in heart and skeletal muscle.
Medium-chain fatty acid (MCFA) consumption confers a wide range of health benefits that are highly distinct from long-chain fatty acids (LCFAs). A major difference between the metabolism of LCFAs compared with MCFAs is that mitochondrial LCFA oxidation depends on the carnitine shuttle, whereas MCFA mitochondrial oxidation is not. Although MCFAs are said to range from 6 to 14 carbons long based on physicochemical properties in vitro, the biological cut-off length of acyl chains that can bypass the carnitine shuttle in different mammalian tissues is unknown. To define the range of acyl chain length that can be oxidized in the mitochondria independent of carnitine, we determined the oxidative metabolism of free fatty acids (FFAs) from 6 to 18 carbons long in the liver, kidney, heart, and skeletal muscle. The liver oxidized FFAs 6 to 14 carbons long, whereas the kidney oxidized FFAs from 6 to 10 carbons in length. Heart and skeletal muscle were unable to oxidize FFAs of any chain length. These data show that while the liver and kidney can oxidize MCFAs in the free form, the heart and skeletal muscle require carnitine for the oxidative metabolism of MCFAs. Together these data demonstrate that MCFA oxidation independent of carnitine is tissue-specific. NEW & NOTEWORTHY This work demonstrates that the traditional concept of mitochondrial medium-chain fatty acid oxidation as unregulated and independent of carnitine applies only to liver metabolism, and to kidney to a lesser extent, but not the heart or skeletal muscle. Thus, the benefits of dietary medium-chain fatty acids are set by liver metabolic activity and peripheral tissues are unlikely to receive direct benefits from medium-chain fatty acid metabolism, but rather metabolic byproducts of liver's medium-chain oxidative metabolism.
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