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Sex-specific differences and predictors of echocardiographic measures of diastolic dysfunction in rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta).

BACKGROUND: Diastolic dysfunction in humans is an age-related process with an overrepresentation in women. In rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta), the incidence and predictors of diastolic dysfunction have yet to be reported.

METHODS: Data from routine echocardiographic evaluations on clinically healthy rhesus macaques was obtained and used for univariate, bivariate, hypothesis testing, and linear regression statistical analyses interrogating differences and predictors of diastolic function.

RESULTS: Rhesus macaques fully recapitulate previously reported human hemodynamic studies. Female monkeys display impaired diastology and are at an increased risk for developing diastolic dysfunction. Age, sex, and proxies of exercise activity are confirmed predictors for measures of diastolic dysfunction, regardless of specific pathogen-free status.

CONCLUSIONS: Rhesus macaques share common sex- and age-related echocardiographic findings as humans, therefore, serve as a valuable translational nonhuman primate model for future studies of diastolic dysfunction. These findings confirm the importance of sex- and age-matching within future rhesus macaque cardiovascular research.

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