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Pharmacological modulation of Kv3 voltage-gated potassium channels regulates fear discrimination and expression in a response-dependent manner.

Various psychiatric diseases are characterized by aberrant cognition and emotional regulation. This includes inappropriately attributing affective salience to innocuous cues, which can be investigated using translationally relevant preclinical models of fear discrimination. Activity in the underpinning corticolimbic circuitry is governed by parvalbumin-expressing GABAergic interneurons, which also regulate fear discrimination. Kv3 voltage-gated potassium channels are highly expressed in these neurons and are important for controlling their activity, suggesting that pharmacological Kv3 modulation may regulate fear discrimination. We determined the effect of the positive Kv3 modulator AUT00206 given systemically to female rats undergoing limited or extended auditory fear discrimination training, which we have previously shown results in more discrimination or generalization, respectively, based on freezing at retrieval. We also characterized darting and other active fear-related responses. We found that limited training resulted in more discrimination based on freezing, which was unaffected by AUT00206. In contrast, extended training resulted in more generalization based on freezing and the emergence of discrimination based on darting during training and, to a lesser extent, at retrieval. Importantly, AUT00206 given before extended training had dissociable effects on fear discrimination and expression at retrieval depending on the response examined. While AUT00206 mitigated generalization without affecting expression based on freezing, it reduced expression without affecting discrimination based on darting, although darting levels were low overall. These results indicate that pharmacological Kv3 modulation regulates fear discrimination and expression in a response-dependent manner. They also raise the possibility that targeting Kv3 channels may ameliorate perturbed cognition and emotional regulation in psychiatric disease.

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