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Feasibility of Using Bacteriophage Therapy to Reduce Morbidity and Mortality Associated with Spinal Epidural Abscesses.

BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to determine the feasibility of using bacteriophage therapeutics in spinal epidural abscess (SEA) by reviewing the causes and outcomes of SEA at a single institution and testing a bacteriophage for activity against preserved SEA clinical isolates.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: Medical records were reviewed of patients that received incision and drainage for SEA at a single medical center. Causative organisms, incidence of coinciding bacteremia and outcomes were recorded. A subset of SEA patients (N = 11), that had preserved clinical isolates, were assessed to evaluate if a bacteriophage therapeutic had ample activity to those isolates as seen with spot tests and growth inhibition assays.

RESULTS: Staphylococcus aureus was the predominate bacterial cause (71%) and bacteremia was associated with 96% of S. aureus SEA. Over 50% of the patients either died within three months, had recurrence of their infection, required repeat debridement, or had long term sequalae. A single bacteriophage had positive spot tests for all the S. aureus clinical isolates and inhibited bacterial growth for more than 24 hours for 9 of the 11 (82%) clinical isolates.

CONCLUSION: SEA is associated with significant mortality and morbidity making this a potential indication for adjuvant bacteriophage therapeutics. Since S. aureus is the predominate cause of SEA and most cases are associated bacteremia this creates a potential screening and treatment platform for Staphylococcal bacteriophages therapeutics, allowing for potential pilot studies to be devised.

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